A home inspection is one of the essential parts of the home selling process, as it determines what repairs need to be made and influences whether or not a buyer goes through with their purchase. As a seller, taking time to prepare for a home inspection makes a big difference in the outcome. How can you get ready for a visit from a home inspector?

Do Your Own Mini-Inspection to Prepare for a Home Inspection

Every home inspection differs slightly, but there are some things that every inspector will examine. Complete your mini-inspection as you prepare for a home inspection by:

  • Testing all light switches and changing light bulbs
  • Locking and unlocking all windows and doors
  • Running all faucets and plumbing fixtures
  • Checking the weather stripping and caulk on windows and doors
  • Running water through the gutters to confirm it drains away from the foundation and that there are no cracks in the gutters
  • Changing the filter on your HVAC system 
  • Testing all vents and fans in the kitchen and bathroom

This will not catch every problem present in the house, but it will eliminate some of the easiest issues that home inspectors often see.

Ensure Easy Access to All Parts of the Home

Home inspectors will need easy access to parts of the home where you rarely go, like the crawlspace and the attic. Clear out all boxes and clutter from access points when preparing for a home inspection. Things like the electrical panel and water heater must be easily accessible. If you leave a great deal of clutter or boxes stacked where the inspector needs to go, it might appear like you are intentionally trying to block the area to hide a problem.

Gather Together Important Documents to Prepare for a Home Inspection

One of the things that home inspectors look for throughout their inspection is evidence that you have maintained the home properly. One way to show this to inspectors and prospective buyers is through documents that show past inspections such as radon testing, past repairs, and preventative maintenance on major systems.

Have a Pre-Listing Inspection

To prepare for a home inspection from a buyer, you can have your inspection before putting the home on the market. A pre-listing inspection pinpoints problems with your house so that you have time to fix them before a buyer is made aware. Pre-listing inspections also encourage buyers to skip an additional inspection, saving you money and speeding up the sale process by weeks or months.