4 Home Improvement Projects that Won’t Boost Property Value

4 Home Improvement Projects that Won’t Boost Property Value

Making improvements to your home can be an exciting process and make living in your house more enjoyable. But, when it comes to making updates to increase the home’s value, not all projects are created equal. Let’s look at home improvement projects that won’t boost...
5 Warning Signs That Mean It’s Time to Call a Plumber

5 Warning Signs That Mean It’s Time to Call a Plumber

Your plumbing system is a network of pipes and fixtures transporting water throughout your home for drinking, cooking, bathing, and waste removal. And while it’s built to last, over time, it can succumb to wear and tear, causing problems like leaks, clogs, and...
9 Tools Every Homeowner Should Have

9 Tools Every Homeowner Should Have

Everyone needs basic repair and maintenance tools to be prepared in case something breaks. Here are nine tools every homeowner should have.  Home Repair Tools Every Homeowner Should Have Adjustable Wrench An adjustable wrench is a tool used to turn nuts and bolts....
3 Things to Know About Wind Mitigation

3 Things to Know About Wind Mitigation

Thunderstorms and hurricanes are difficult to predict, and always being prepared is helpful. Intense storms can damage roofing, break windows, and cause flooding. Wind mitigation is key to strengthening your home’s ability to withstand high winds throughout the year....
3 Tips for Cleaning Your House

3 Tips for Cleaning Your House

Even if you don’t mind cleaning, you don’t necessarily want to spend all weekend tidying up instead of relaxing with your family and friends. Here are helpful and easy tips for cleaning that save you time and effort. Tips for Cleaning: Tidy the Kitchen with Ease To...